More likely than not, you will go on a series of interviews and go through a lot of no's before you get a job offer. 同时很有可能,在得到工作机会前,你经历了一连串的面试以及承受一连串的拒绝。
This nightmare could mean you feel overwhelmed or put out a lot of effort with no success or return. 这个噩梦可能表示你有挫败感,又或者辛辛苦苦付出努力却没有获得任何成功或回报。
Grade is not great, a lot of beard, no matter who met the love my mother crying. 年级并不大,胡子一大把,不论遇见谁总爱喊妈妈。
Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent. 别感觉不好,太多人没有天分。
I made it a lot simpler because you no longer have to worry about faxing broken coffee machines. 我使它变得更简单,因为你不用担心,怎么去维修坏咖啡机了。
I care a lot, no matter what they write, even including their criticisms which I personally think would make me progress. 当然在意,无论他们说什么,我都认为是对我的一种鞭策,能促使我进步。
Persuaded that poverty is the human lot, I can no longer believe in any doctrine of reform. “贫穷乃人类宿命”&这样的认知使我不再相信任何改革主义教条。
If you build SOA Bottom-Up probably you will end with a lot of redundancy and no architecture at all. 如果你自底向上的构建SOA,那么很有可能你最终会得到很多冗余的东西,而毫无架构可言。
There was a lot of emotion no need to tell you, and from this day I haven't taken any more medicine, and my life has completely changed, for me it is a bit like a second birth. 这其中的喜悦之情无需表述,从这天起我再也没服药,我的生活完全变了样,这对我而言犹如重生。
A lot of companies no longer can afford to provide their employees with all-expenses-paid trips. 许多公司不能再负担员工的全部旅行费用。
Since they have a lot of spunk, no matter how down and out they get, they never give up. 因为他们有很多勇气,不论如何,并得到了他们,他们永远不会放弃。
His newly employed woman servant was extremely lazy and ate a lot, no more than a white elephant. 他新雇来的女佣人懒得出奇,饭量倒很大,真是一个无用而又累赘的东西。
There is a lot of talk and no action. 谈论得很多,但是没有行动。
Said a lot for no comment. 说了一大堆无可奉告?
They're a whole lot of no fun. 他们一点也不有趣。
A lot of affair in the world, a lot of people, a lot of matter have no absolute and affirmation. 世界上很多的事情,很多的人,很多的事没有绝对与肯定。
For a jock, it could have been a lot worse but, no, we weren't friends. 对个运动员来说,那可能更糟,但,不,我们不是朋友。
Comb has a lot of teeth but no mouth. 梳子有许多牙齿,而没有嘴。
I used to work for a company that didn't have a lot of mobility, no decent benefits, and no retirement plan. 我过去曾为一家公司工作过,那家公司并没有很多的机动性,没有很优渥的福利,也没有退休计划。
You've changed a lot, and have no self-pride now. 你变了,一点自尊都没有。
But there's a lot about him no one's sure of. 但是他有许多事情让人摸不透。
Objective: To compare the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of flunarizine capsule A ( Bohai Pharmaceutical, Tangshan, lot No: 970901) and capsule B ( Xichuan Pharmaceutical, Henan, lot No: 970129). 目的:比较两种国产盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊在人体内的药物动力学及相对生物利用度。
Objective To study the drug resistance of typhoid salmonella and the efficacy of norfloxacin in 12 Lot NO. s produced by 7 factories. 目的探讨伤寒菌株耐药谱及当地诊所使用的7个厂家12个批号治疗用药氟哌酸的疗效。
When inflammation occurs in liver, the synthesis of NOS is induced to increase, so a lot of NO is produced. 肝脏发生炎症时,NOS被诱导生成增多,从而产生大量的NO。
Because Xing Ren Department was the organization of special envoy of emperor, Xing Ren can get a lot of things no matter on the material or on spirit, this make people regard it with special esteem too. 为何会出现这种状况,当是因为行人司系皇帝特使机构的这种特殊身份,才使得行人无论在物质上还是精神上都能收获颇丰,也才使得人们对其刮目相看。
The research of income taxes accounting in our country is later for half a century by America. There are a lot of imperfection no matter in theory or in practice. 在我国,所得税会计的研究起步较晚,与美国相比我们至少落后了半个世纪,无论是在理论还是在实践方面都有许多不完善之处。
The oversea clinic researches of this kind of appliance have been reported a lot but no such study is reported in China. 国外对此种矫治器进行了大量的临床研究和报道并已有成品生产,而目前国内相关研究较少,尚未见报道。
The writer finds that different from many other speech acts such as compliments and refusals, the flattery speech act varies a lot no matter at the level of lewis or syntax. 作者发现,和其他言语行为比如恭维和拒绝不同,汉语奉承语无论在词汇和句式上都有很丰富的变化。
Although the technology of the robot path planning has achieved a lot, no algorithm is perfect and everyone has its advantages and inescapable disadvantages, which needs continued growth. 目前,足球机器人的路径规划技术已经取得了丰硕成果。但是没有一个方法是完美的,每个方法都有其自身的优点和不可避免的缺点,因此需要不断的更新和改进。